Friday, 19/05/23
Cambodia E-Visa is a type of visa issued by the competent authority of Cambodia through an electronic transaction system, allowing foreigners to enter Cambodia faster than applying for a regular paper visa. Cambodia E-Visa is single entry, valid for 3 months but can only stay for no more than 30 days for an entry.Foreigners who are in Vietnam or abroad, wishing to enter Cambodia can directly apply for an electronic Cambodia visa through the website of the Immigration Department. In this article, we are pleased to share with you more clearly about the Electronic Cambodia visa for foreigners, the conditions to be granted an electronic Cambodia visa for foreigners and the border gates that allow entry with a new visa.
Wednesday, 03/05/23
As a foreigner staying in Vietnam, you will probably feel confused when you have not grasped the rules and procedures of Vietnam visa issuance or visa extension as new policies are changing every month. Vietnam visa run to Moc Bai service was born with the mission of helping expats in Vietnam visa procedure. Due to its big benefits, the service of Visa Run to Mocbai will lessen significant effort and time for foreigners. specializes in providing Vietnam Visa Run to Moc Bai service including visa approval letter, paperwork preparation, transportation service, and guide to support clients at Moc Bai border.
Saturday, 12/06/21
In recent days, the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Vietnam has witnessed many ups and downs. The fact that the number of positive cases increases daily and the virus evolves by environments is making disease control more difficult than before. Yet, Vietnamese border is still open for foreign experts to enter Vietnam in order to maintain their normal work in, but the requirements are much stricter than before.
Saturday, 06/02/21
From 15th February 2021, Decree 152 of the Government of Vietnam, which regulates issues related to work permits for foreigners, will officially take effect and will have some influence on foreign workers who have been and will be working in Vietnam. Therefore, the most important thing for employers as well as foreign workers is to know what is needed to prepare before making a long-term plan to work and stay in Vietnam. In this article, Visa5s will introduce to you the necessary documents for granting Vietnam work permit under the new decree in 2021.
Friday, 22/01/21
Decree 152/2020/ND-CP regarding foreign workers working in Vietnam specifies the cases that the foreign worker is not required to be granted a work permit is effective from February 15, 2021. Pursuant to that, the following foreign workers are not required to be granted work permits
Thursday, 03/12/20
Currently due to the complex covid-19 epidemic situation globally, many countries around the world are blockading or restricting their borders to control and prevent the epidemic from spreading. However, once the epidemic was under control, many countries began to loosen their border measures. In Vietnam, although there are still many strict requirements of disease control, foreign experts and investors are still be able to return to Vietnam to continue working. In this article, visa5s will guide you the process of applying for a dispatch to Vietnam in the special context of corona epidemic.