Thursday, 16/04/20
To integrate into the global economy, Vietnam government has created pretty many favorable conditions to attract foreign workforce. Therefore, many foreign experts come to Vietnam to work and Vietnam Work Permit applications are always an issue they might concern too much. The expert has to apply for Vietnam Work Permit in order to get a long-term visa or Temporary Residence Card (TRC). Below is the specific guideline about Vietnam Work Permit applications for expert specifically. Let’s take a tour to explore it.
Wednesday, 15/04/20
As you may know, in order to get a work permit Vietnam you need to prepare many documents, both from the company and the foreigner. Each of documents has its own condition and validity. It is just a pity if your documents do not meet the conditions or you prepare it too soon. In that case, you must to start from the beginning again. Before prepare anything for the work permit, it will be better to carefully take notes for the requirements, ask someone who has more experience, and review your personal documents carefully. One point you need to identify the dossiers which is suitable with your position as manager, executive, expert or technical worker. If you’re confusing, we hope our article will help.
Tuesday, 14/04/20
Based on Vietnam labor and immigration laws, all foreign workers working long term in Vietnam are required to apply for a work permit or work permit exemption certificate and an appropriate visa suitable for the purpose of entry. The Vietnam visa and work permit are two separate documents that are used for different purposes and issued by two different authorities of Vietnam. Vietnam work permit granted by provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Welfare allows a foreign worker to take a job in Vietnam. In this article, we would like to share, guide a step by step instruction to obtain a work permit in Vietnam 2020.
Saturday, 11/04/20
Foreign tourists can come to Vietnam by a paper tourist visa, e-visa or visa free entry. These visas allow foreign visitors to remain in Vietnam from 15 - 30 days to 3 months and in case they want to stay longer, it is possible to obtain a new visa or extend your current visa right in Vietnam instead of leaving. When you renew your visa, you are granted a new visa stamp and visa sticker paper on your passport with the new duration permission. Your length of staying is prolonged from 1 to 3 months based on your purpose of entry and demands. However, the cost of visa renewal is much higher than extension. You should make decision carefully based on your budget and your purposes. As you use any of these services, we highly recommend you submit your application as soon as possible before the expiration day. The Immigration Department will receive your submission and proceed it within 7 working days. If you are not really master in the procedure and do not know how to renew your tourist visa, please follow our instructions below to conduct your application.
Friday, 10/04/20
Under the latest entry laws of Vietnam effecting in July 2020, foreigners are allowed to extend their Vietnam visa types without leaving the country and change the purpose of entry or change of visa types inside the country, not to exit then re-enter with a new appropriate visa as the current laws. From 1 July 2020, when the new law is applied, this is good news and beneficial to the foreign community in Vietnam. The visa extension in Vietnam is easier and more convenient than ever. Moreover, the purpose of entry is allowed to change and the most important thing is in accordance with the law, it saves a lot of money and time. They can extend and change their Vietnam visas without leaving the county by using one of two services that visa extension or visa renewal service only
Thursday, 09/04/20
Some foreigners staying in Vietnam must have wondered that how to leave Vietnam with expired visa. Basing on Vietnam immigration laws, if a foreigner is holding a Vietnam expired visa and overstaying in Vietnam, he or she could not leave the country without paying the fines for overstaying and obtaining a visa extension stamp (exit visa) on the passport in advance. In the case that you need more time to stay in Vietnam, your expired visa will be considered and approved by Vietnam immigration department, the new visa extension stamp can be from 15 days, or from 1 month to 3 months depending on how many days has the visa expired?, your nationality, Vietnam visa type and the letter of explanation. To response to the question How to leave Vietnam with expired visa, please read the following post as carefully as you can.