Vietnam Work Permit or work permit exemption is valid for not than 2 years and issued for foreigners, they could be a Foreign Expert as someone recognized as an expert by a foreign organization or with a Bachelor’s degree (or higher) and at least three (03) years of work experience in their field, the proof of this must be presented in writing by a foreign organization. Or a Foreign Executive, Operation Director/Manager as a chief or deputy of an organization and Operation Director/Manager is a department head responsible for the department’s operation. Or a Foreign Technician as someone who has had technical training or other specialized training for at least one (01) year, and at least three (03) years of work experience in their field. To legally work in Vietnam, and apply for temporary residence card, you require a work permit or work permit exemption certificate. While you can find work without a permit, good companies will not allow you to work for them without it as they can get fined by the government. The work permit process can be a bit of headache and last from 4 to 6 weeks. We’ve put this guide together to walk you through the process, so you know what documents to pack and how to prepare them for getting a work permit in Vietnam.