Annually, British come to Vietnam for business making purposes, so the matter that British businessmen are concerned about how British can obtain Vietnam Business Visa. Luckily, Vietnam government and the UK have agreement about Visa Exemption, which means that British can enter and stay in Vietnam for doing business without visa within 15 days. Of course, your visa will be invalid after this given period of time and you are forced to exit Vietnam. In case, you want to prolong your staying, please obtain Vietnam Business Visa – categorized as DN issued for those who enter Vietnam for related business purposes. Please notices that you must have a sponsor company to support you fulfill your dossiers. You can obtain visa 3 ways such as Vietnam Embassies or Consulates, E-via – applicable for the UK and Visa on Arrival – recommended for business purposes. If you wonder how to obtain it, our post here will be mentioned some useful information about required documents and procedure.