Tuesday, 09/07/19
Vietnam has attracted a great number of foreign labor to work in Vietnam in different sectors. The issue that most of them may concern is Vietnam Work Permit - a requirement for those who would like to work in Vietnam more than three months. However, if you want to prolong your working day more than 2 years, Vietnam Work Permit Renewal is a favourite service that foreigners really engage. To renew your Work Permit, you have to satisfy these following conditions.
Sunday, 07/07/19
Owing to the fact that Vietnam work permit is only valid for 2 years at maximum, the employer needs to renew Vietnam work permit for the foreign labours if their aim is to extend the duration of signed labour contract. Fortunately, the way to renew Vietnam work permit is quite simpler provided that the foreign worker carries on holding the same position as in the previous Vietnam work permit. Do you want to find out newest way to renew Vietnam work permit for foreigners?
Friday, 05/07/19
Up to 2019, about 90% of 80,000 expats has been granted Vietnam work permits. The validity of Vietnam work permit is the same as the term of signed labour contract and less than 2 years. Before the expiration date at least 45 days, the employers are supposed to go through the process of Vietnam Work Permit Renewal for foreign employees if they wish to prolong their labour contract. This post might be useful for you to figure out the detailed process of Vietnam work permit renewal. Let us begin!
Thursday, 04/07/19
Extension of Vietnam Temporary Residence Card (TRC) is an issue that most of people really concern in case they lost their current Card or it is nearly expired or even their passport has some problems. One of the most question leaves the applicant is which procedure they have to follow when it happens to them. Are you fallen in this situation? Don’t worry too much. We are here to guide you step by step. We hope that our post below can give you a hand during processing Temporary Residence Card Extension in Vietnam.
Wednesday, 03/07/19
After working in Vietnam for a long time, your Vietnam Work Permit is expired but you still would like to stay here more than two years. Of course, you can extend your Work Permit by extension service. Extending it may leave such many questions, but we are here today to help you answer these issues you are concerned. Let’s follow us.
Tuesday, 02/07/19
Expiration of Vietnam Work Permit is an issue that many foreigners may concern too much since they will violate the law if their Work Permit is expired. However, extension of Vietnam Work Permit can be issued right in Vietnam, which helps you solve this issue. Please keep in your mind that you have to issue Vietnam Work Permit extension at least 45 days before the current work permit expired. You may wonder how to extend it as soon as possible and which required documents you have to meet. Don’t worry! Visa5s today will guide you to obtain your Work Permit Extension. Please take a tour with us in the post as below.